I was told about the wonderful results your product provides. I tried it over a year ago and love it so much, I immediately became a distributor and offered it for sale in my “General Store”. I felt selfish for not sharing its ability to assist in relieving the pains others tell me they are experiencing, as well. My wife has been a nurse for over 28 years and with all those years of standing on hard floors in hospitals, she has many aching bones. I guess I have had too much fun on horses and motorcycles, in my life, and with the many broken bones, torn ligaments and muscles, I have had, “Sore No More” is the only product that I use or will recommend. Thanks for offering this product and its wonderful results. God bless you for doing what you do BEST. You make a difference.
Hank Deutsch, Wishing You Well General Store
Cheyenne, WY
December 11, 2016